Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Sweet Sound of Progress!

So Colton is moving right along. We have turned him up quite a bit. We tested him in the booth at this last visit and it was pretty frustrating. He didn't seem to respond to anything at first and I started to worry that his implants weren't working at all. Our wonderful audiologist reminded me that Colton is 2 years old. The age that they refer to as "the black hole" because they just don't test well. They are more interested in playing or ignoring what is going on around them. We made some adjustments to one ear and came back the next week to work on ear number 2. This time he did better in the booth. He responded to some noises at 20DB (Decibels) That is in normal hearing range. I was so super excited.

Then to add some icing to the cake, he has started making more sounds. He has always kind of hummmmed a bit, but he actually opened his mouth and turned it into an AHH. It was amazing. And now he is starting to use the AHHH in his regular play. He also says MMMMM and GAGAGA. It is so fun to see him making progress so quickly.

He is almost turned up as high as we will go. We will just see how he acts as we tune him up. We don't want sound to be a negative thing. But he is starting to act like he wants his implants on and will sound check by making noises when we put them on him in the morning. He also will come over to us if one of the coils falls off his head and wait for us to fix it.

It is so exciting to see Colton doing so well. It is alot of work. We go to therapy 2 times a week, with more coming in our home weekly. I feel like we are always making the sounds as we go shopping, or do laundry or dishes. We are just trying to incorporate it in every part of our life. And for now, it is working. We are also continuing with ASL and he is making progress on that too. It seems that it has taken so long for us to see progress, so we are just going to savor it while we can!

Here is the link to Colton saying "AHH" for the first time if you are interested.


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